Uses For Aluminum Foil

Not only is aluminum foil useful for covering a casserole pan (for example), its many additional uses make it a unique preparedness item to have around…
Here are some uses for aluminum foil. Add your own ideas at the end:
Foil Hat: Great to wear while reading conspiracy websites… 😉
DIY Cooking Pans: Works best with heavy-duty aluminum foil – Fold into the shape which suits your cooking needs. Place on low heat, hot coals, etc..
Storing Food: Provides a barrier against light, oxygen, odors, flavors, moisture, and bacteria.
DIY Utensils: Shape into bowls, plates, etc..
Solar Oven Reflector: Use your creativity and make your own solar oven.
Scrubber: A little bit of crumpled aluminum foil for scrubbing pans of tough messes.
Bird Deterrent: Great for around gardens to scare off birds – Tear off sheets, attach to anything to catch the rippling wind.
Funnel: Shape it into a cone shape and start pouring…
Sharpen Scissors: Fold a sheet of foil several times and cut through it with a pair of dull scissors to sharpen the blades.
Reflect & Radiate Heat: Wrap a piece of plywood in foil and tuck it behind a radiator to reflect heat into the room.
Rust-free steel wool: Set your kitchen steel-wool scrubber on a piece of foil to keep rust away.
Shine Your Silver: Chemical reaction with the foil: Line a glass pan with foil, add several spoonfuls of baking soda and salt, fill the pan with boiling water, and drop in tarnished silver for a quick cleaning.
Fishing: Press some aluminum foil around a fishing hook, covering it completely, causing it to wiggle in the water.
Keep Stuff Dry: Wrap it tightly around things like matches, tinder, or anything you want to keep dry
DIY Faraday Wrap: To help protect a portable radio (or any device) from EMP. First completely insulate (wrap) device in a non-conductive material (Ziploc, paper bag, etc.). Then completely wrap the now-covered radio with foil. Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil works better due to the ‘skin depth effect’. Repeat procedure for greater effectiveness (insulate-foil-insulate-foil, etc..).
Signal Mirror: Use the reflective properties to form into a signaling device.
Cat Toy: Roll into a ball and let the fun begin…
Start a Fire With a Battery: Touch both ends of a battery – will generate heat and flame-out depending on battery.
Antenna Reception: Wrap a piece of foil around radio antenna for potential of increased reception. Don’t do this for transmitting.
Dryer: A scrunched up aluminum foil ball will help relieve static cling in the dryer.
Windows: Foil taped over windows will keep out summer heat.
My favorite aluminum foil is an 18″ roll (500′ long) which we purchased awhile ago. Being wider than the typical roll, it has more uses. For example it will cover an entire cookie sheet with one piece (e.g. cooking bacon!).
Though ours is Kirkland brand, the best equivalent deal I could find is ( this one ) on amzn.
Can you suggest more uses for aluminum foil??
[ Read: Uses for Ziploc Bags ]